Our Secure Shredding Services in Minnesota

Mobile Shredding

Watch your documents get shredded in your parking lot or driveway today, tomorrow or on a recurring schedule you set. 

One-Time Purge

Whether you are cleaning out a home, closing a business, or doing a self storage purge, we've "got your 6."

Hard Drive Shredding

Far superior to erasing your hard drives, Veteran completely destroys drives and then recycles the materials. 

Free Containers

Veteran Shredding provides your business with a choice of two styles of containers to suit your needs. Mix and match as desired. 

Scheduled Service

If you need Veteran to shred for you on a regular basis, you set the schedule: weekly, monthly, quarterly or custom. 

Not sure what you need?

Why not visit our contact page? We would love to chat with you!